Tuesday, December 23, 2008

my wrist rest

SO CUTE...love..tempura leh..haahaa

dear's birthday

Oh ya..time to update some photos...on dear's birthday at HOOHA CAFE...the food there is GOOD :)~atmosphere oso...thanks to dixie's reccomandation..12 of us in total...dear and my besties...haa...thanks to june's camera~ forgot to bring mine..stupid la..lol
Enjoy the dinner ...i guess all of them does.. den went for bowling at west cost RC.. no ppl at that time sia.. machiam our world.. I dun usually bowl la.. coz of my pretty fingernails.. but dat day..special ma so entertain lohx... finger cramped after that.. lol...LOUSY hor.. dear still asked me if I wanna have a personal bowling BALL.. so finger wont pain.. for the time being I guess I wont siao on on bowling bah... see how lohz~ haaaa

Group picture....the colour all very matching hor..coincidence..haa

Group pic 2

Dunno when is it taken but I like.. haa

Another kana paparazzi take photo.. haa... didnt realise though..but i like it too... LOL

Thanks ah JUNE..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday bluess...but not as blue as any other monday.. kinda holiday mood now la.. gonna xmas..and soon new year.. another 1 yr older.. gonna wish everyone merry xmas n happy birthday to my beloved er jie...her bday falls on xmas ha.. so good ah.. many ppl gonna count down for her.:D Actually I'm not a very xmas person..as in celebration, I juz buy pressie to make ppl happy :D and.. yah...there is a xmas party on the eve with dear's frens.. (dun really like celebrating xmas-counting down to xmas) i always have an image in my mind when the clock strikes 12 ppl start wishing each other merry xmas.. (felt abit lame) haaahaaa wadever la ..
Meeting mummy after work to do some xmas shopping :P yea.. spent kinda lotsa $ this month.. pamper myself ma...haa.. gonna shop something nice for myself again later.. wahaha.. oh ya I bought some "rush" games online.. got 40% off plus USD now not very high.. i looooove those games leh.. collected alot already..more to come.. alot of nice games coming soon also ... *evil smile*
Feeling better today already just that nose still abit block.. but ok la.. dunno izzit took medicine w/o food that few days den now gastric not very good.. everyday pain.. sian.. hope I get better soon.. hate gastric.. so xin ku de neh..gonna go back to render the bloody 3d.. took so long can.. heng i got another lappy so i can blog n surf net.. wont hang.. wahah.. clever me la.. wad to do... lol!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Seems like everybody is falling sick.. me too... hai took 2 days MC den today went back office though still feeling dizzy...had to clear all the shit boss left for me.. its really PILES n PILES of darn shit.. all so last min.. NB...whole morning dun wanna inform me to do den afternoon 3pm expect me to finish 6 3ds for her.. darn! Pls lo.. my head been spinning for the whole day..bloody nose blocked and i CANT breathe...fark up! bobian on 2 computers to do those 3ds.....do till head gong gong...KNN... dunno la.. i feel her time management is super super super buey sai..NB.. I hate this loh..KNN!!!#$%^&*(
Den at night sms me say my dimensions all wrong...not proportional.... NB I follow her farking each and every dimensions okie.. fark it la... go to hell la! lim bu is now farking not happie....with the company....and YES I have tots of HOPping again.. juz look into the jobs websites...lotsa place hiring sales designer some with immediate vacancy..
Wadever it is.. jus fark it.. i hate it.. gonna rest...am bloody sick now.. bloody pressure rises as i blog.. KNN!#$%^&*(*&^%$#

Monday, December 8, 2008

long weekend

hafen been blogging since..... dunnow when...was busy with work lahx.. wads new..my conversion period from in house to sales designer. tough though.. went site from 11am to 4 pm.. go back still need to prepare detail drawings... sian don think i can survive so muz faster find a in house designer to take over me den i got no worries. And chris ord..now economic no good, hard to find job so was thinking to "drag" him in to my company for the time being. coz i think he quite ego la.. i dun think he will work here long.. i guess he aim those big companies de. but for a start to gain experience hope he make it thru the interview..haa.. bo bi bo bi~
Long weekend, finally no work to worry about... sat when shopping with er jie at VIVO. so many ppl loh , park till level 6 can.. den raining heavy and on ya fark the JAM and super duper rain. After dat sent er jie home den head back to dear's house.. :D bought a few things, but i hafen finished with my xmas shopping!!! gotta prepare dear's prezzie, er jie's bday/xmas prezzie, family's xmas prezzie... no time to shop leh!!!! oh ya i bought lotsa tibits for my doggies as xmas gifts...they so happie okie!. lol
ah dear bought his favourite PS3..and a 32" TV.. damn shiok ...the screen so so big ha.. gonna be end of the P.H. sian...tuesday blues...back to work...argh~ happy december everybody...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Alone in office...again.. wads new.. feel darn darn bored. Not that I have nothing to do, just no mood to do.. actually not much work to rush, coz boss went out, she ah oways last min when i going to leave den ask me change this change that loh.. say earlier ma...wakao.. sometime I dunno how ppl plan their time.. I tot I'm bad in mine...didnt expect hers is worst..or maybe she is really damn busy ah ...meet me 915am she came at 1030am (expected la) ....used to it.. everybody noe her rubber band time.. lol.. heck.. it gonna be none of my business in maybe 2 to 3 months time? hopefully..
Unable to join chris n izon for dinner ytd, coz ah dear's ah ma hospitalised for minor stroke.. scares us, thought wad happen..luckily only her hand got problem, coz got a mini blood clog in e brain, but got to take lifetime medicine, she is already 81 yrs old.. still going strong n damn independant ok! recover soon!
Feeling kinda paranoid with my work ... yes.. dunno la everything in a mess.. showroom dunno WHEN complete...see the pattern now.. walao...looks pathetic la.got to wait...n wait n wait.... daarn! feeling damn bad now lo ... argh!!! dunno y ... fri coming le, think I will feel better...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

away from home

yes im gonna be away from home for 2 weeks, will be at sis' house coz brother in law went back to reservice...so bored isn't it? to reservice i mean..well its been the 3rd day at sis house.. everything is good...we buy each other's breakfast and dinner.. we talk at night till we fell asleep, reminds me years back when we still staying together :D sweet.... i like staying with her coz can exchange clothes n bags..accessories blah blah blah... haa..gers are like dat right...hiao char bo ma~~....and yes i miss my mummy...daddy and...my doggies .......

Friday, November 14, 2008

doooo dooo

Officially moved in to the new office today...but everything still in a mess ..wads new? but lucky office n my table is all done..internet copier essential items all done.. gotta lots of thing to coordinate in the new site.. lotsa thing to order n plan.. yea waiting for my 12k PC to arrived with all the new software..expensive PC.. think it will be good.. haa... but im happy with where i am now :D busy lately on a retail proposal.. argh~~~~ chim.. and time given is like damn SHORT...commercial always like dat...damn... gonna hibernate soon.. lol

yeah dear bought me donuts... fattening leh.. dont he noe im already bui bui (fat fat) already? omg..and he say he is going to get me more donut.. haha sweet of him....n fattening of me...haha .....dunno y i cant rotate the pic.. lazy to use photoshop..haa

Thursday, November 13, 2008

bake bake bake

2nd attempt to bake paper sponge cake...but FAIL...turn out to be so hard..ma chiam stone, den mama realise i nv whipped the egg well enough...

SO!!!! we tried it ytd....again!!! use the electronic "whipper" make sure whip till the egg light n bloody fluffy...haha... damn damn damn damn tired.. i mean my hands tired...

Mama use this many yrs ago...surprisingly, still working well...haha

we made about 17 mini cakes...(my hands feeling so cramp)

the ke ai.s....

final product.....taste juz so nice... wahaha.... in love with baking for now...lol...
Next ...will be dunno wad muffins.. go see the baking book first ...wahaha...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

baking session...

Had a baking session with mummy n daddy...haha so funny... banana muffin~~~~ my favourite.. Afternoon mummy go buy those ingredients and wait till I knock off from work to start baking my fav. muffins..haha... this is my FIRST time baking something lo. It happens coz I bought a toaster oven for mummy plus I bought a baking cookery book...LOL... See...the green weighing machine... so cute so old school...haha....

I whipped the flour till my arm cramp.. so daddy take over.. he very strong n fast okie....haha

okie...we're ready to start.....baking.....:P

BUT 1st tray turn out to be.... CHAO TA~!!!...... but internal still good...taste good too haha...
2nd try......adjust the farking heat of the oven....
We waited very very patiently...lol....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA NICE BAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun play play ... siao siao de hor..

see so cute....

TASTE NICE OKIE...yummy...got Acups....B cups.... and C cups.....LOL next time daddy say wanna make durian muffins... peanut butter muffins... blah blah blah ......LOVE:D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Qian bian

No mood to do work today..so went ard msn asking ppl qian bian wen da ti.. haa.. den in the end face the computer luff at myself... sounds stupid ya..but i enjoyed... sound so zhi bi lo.....

Q1) Why is michael jackson keep looking for pen??
Q2) Why lian rong bao n man tou watch a super sad movie together but only lian rong bao cry and not man tou?

A1) recall his song chorus : "oh beat it~~~~~ oh beat it~~~~" = "oh leh~~ oh leh~~~"
A2) its coz lian rong bao got fillings = FEELINGS man tou don't have...

haa haa~~thanks to edna and joey who gave me super lame ans like :
((when lian rong bao cry his "lian rong" squeeze out but man tou dun hav "chap"))
((the movie is abt makin of bun.. then lian rong bao saw his frien gt the same fate as him.. mus squeeze lian rong into his brain))

make me luff ....and ya im still luffing.. siao char bo...

gonna go for my body massage after work~ yeah... oh yah did I mention 我明天不想去上班??!!我真的不不不不不不不不想。。。。。。。。。。。。


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ytd went to TM to change my hp no.. no special reason I guess, tot for a few days..abit 3 xin 2 yi lah, but in the end still did it lohz. den the lucky me, while queueing up at starhub, boss called. TMD, she forgot to bring key!!!!! den e hao xin de me, took cab back to pass her the key den rush to my facial appt. wasted my $10 cab fare. gei gao loh! still tot of shoppin at TM before go facial but.. argh dun say liao la..
den the stupid me today when filling up some form I wrote the old no. abit cant get use to it.. muz remind myself that...stupid..
Getting kinda emo today leh ... dunno is it coz its wed.. argh.. no link la. juz feel feel feel down? mood swings eh..
next next week gonna move to er jie's house to stay coz jiefu reservice den she alone.. yeah~ i like staying over at her place but I will miss my doggies.. for 2 weeks. :P
well.. stop here gonna carry on with my work already.. darn bored.. OK!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hafen been blogging lately.. final confirmation of moving office on NOV 10th-15th...haa...muz find a dua dua huat huat day to move in mah..showrooms all gonna complete...all my design leh .. simple contemp cosy.....practical.. used to design very very abstract design back at my ex company.. but here.. we all go for practical and of coz nice design. at least not like those contractor style..*satisfy*

Majong session on fri night...saddening.. PI loh..loser for the day. haa but okie la luff thruout the night..till 8am ...can u imagine..from 8pm to 8am...GP lotsa pok...funny also.. haahaa...den wads new slept thruout sat...woke up for lunch with dear.. ate my fav mac spicy.. now.. I have mac only once a week :P gonna get rid of my extra fat..if not later become bui chee.. way to go..

Oh ya....watched max payne last week...don like it.. juz watch coz we need to wait for dear's car to finish wax-ing. not good.. wasted $20. argH!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Food @ changing appetite were good...waiters polite but abit dun understand their languages. too slang.. haa.. well ... busy chatting n luffing away so nv take much photos. forgotten plus coz the stupid chris ask me send him all my mp3 therefore cannot use my camera.. haa ... had a great night out with the cousins.. 10 of us were there.. only part of the strength.. lol... cheerios~~~

birthday boy ate this.. quite big portion...

mine~~~ yummy...bacon chicken

ah dear's steak.. not bad too ...

the hiao char bo stupid chris'

birthday boy... i mean MAN....with the yuMMy ice cream cake...

here comes the hiao char bo..."biao jie" cheeky smile...(qi busy targeting his food)

candid shot..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

happie wednesday

Feeling kinda good today..coz got my increment already ..so fast proobation period over.. somehow satisfied..but who will xian qian duo right... the more the merrier ma..:D haa well at least this company suan ok le.. increment reasonable. i shld feel satified for NOW bah..:P gonna move in to new office ard nov.. everything will b a damn major turn over...!!!
Realise always I'm the first employee they have.. back to Y company can say also the same.. muz help out do abit admin la ...find supplier for computer.. for copier.. everything 1st time. But now not as tedious.. coz got a few contacts le mah.. hope this company wont use the same excuses as Y company uses.. saying ..oh bonus ah ...u muz understand WE JUST MOVE TO NEW OFFICE...blah blah blah spend alot of $$$ blah blah blah..keep my finger crossed okie..
compare this 2 companies.. now will be much much much much much better! hope for the best! always look on the bright side of life~ oh ya happy birthday to ah wee o wee.. gonna have a celebration for him tonight :) the cousins day~~~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I just DON'T feel goooood... lotsa lotsa *******ness in me... within me me me me n me......me me me myself n I ..... i cant speak i cant talk i cant tell i cant say it out LOUD and i cant ask. Feeling pathetic okie...

Friday, October 17, 2008

busy friday

Phew... it was a long and busy day for me... took urgent leave today coz thursday night sent dad to hospital again.. was watching dvd with ah dear @ home back den when dad rush in and say he is out of breath.. grapped the key ah dear drove the car down den went straight to e hospital. the service was fark up ok, while dear go park car me acc dad in.. BUT were supposed to take temperature before we enter the a&e, and the fark up nurses none is stationed at the booth. I WAS DAMN PISSED ok heck care I went straight in the reception counter targeted a nurse which is on the phone.. fark care


nurse (with a fark n emotionless face) : "I'm calling the nurses mdm."

----walk out to check if dad is ok-----

----waited for awhile----------------

male nurse (again, emotionless face) :"sir can i have ur IC"

ME :" Can u speed up.. cant u see he is out of breath"

nurse : (went over to take a wheelchair and push daddy straight in while I head over to the registration counter)

hey pls... cant the nurses have some little sense or urgency? damn pissed off....den daddy was kept for observation until the next morning.. went home with dear den morning drove mummy over to fetch dad. (doctor say results were normal ) *puzzled* made an appointment for him to go for another check which is the cardiac treadmill. *dad WILL be fine

happily after fetching dad, went down to chinatown eat the yummy porridge.. good for heath :D they enjoyed..I'm happy...

Sent dad home, den went out to shop with mummy..haa haa .... kewl. but I bought nth.. juz a HP pouch and dear's card holder & wallet. :) den got a phone call from daddy, 5th aunt hospitalised..dunno y she fainted. * hope everything is fine...i hate hospital... bo bi bo bi my family jian jian kang kang ....!!!

Headed home to catch some slp..farking tired...den evening went to orchard to shop alone while waiting for dear to fetch me.. kewl... bought nth again.. but bought shirt cluff at TANGS for brother..gonna shipped it over to beijing for him :P hope he like it.

the HUGE ice cream..so cute hor!!!! hahahahahaha i like!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Bad...my finger still hurts now.. for a few days already..coz the stupid me dunno how la,when flipping the wallpaper.. the big sample booklet damn heavy... dunnoe how I miss la.. my fingernail seems like flipping over though.. press le very pain .. feel like its beaking into ... half.. but I cant see whether izzit breaking coz nail polish is on .. juz feel the pain when i touch.. damn it.. dun dare to remove my nail polish also. scully crack den will be damn pain.. ren yi ren bahx....:(
Boss told me this morning she will contribute $18 additional to my CPF every month, coz dunnoe wad govt say muz give de.. den she give loh.. dunno call wad skill development shit.. cant remember.. she say this contribution has been like for 3 yrs.. so my previous company cheated my $18/per mth for like one n a half year!.. though not alot la.. but...hey don cheat me ma..haa bad leh .. small amount oso k siao k siao .. wads new!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

emo days

Though busy working also but when back at home.. very emo i shall say.. dunnoe y..well i did something very wrong today..didnt wan to elaborate but evryone get a chance and y not me? no matter wad..hai dunnoe how to pharse it.. sorry is the hardest word I can say in e past but not now... feeling apologetic n stupid. shed every single tears that carries the pain in me. but who cares? huo gai.. set up the mess myself, I clear it off myself, but i am not given any chance at all...NO one will understand how apologetic n hurt I am now.. tonnes n tonnes of unhapiness I kept to myself. wadever i feel very empty...utterly...
read up yun's blog..back at that time everything were so good.. footdrill...solos.. sectionals.. and of course the post hectic practices we have like...gossip...blah blah blah.. i missed ...really
But life is very xian shi de.. wads gone is gone..only left with memories...and tonnes of memories.. its like we cant turn back time..wad i can is....sweet memories...
I hated myself alot.. life... is.....jus....so....meaningless....*too emo*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

poor me

Bad month... spent quite alot of $$$$$$$ firstly is the facial package I paid for...$800+...haha den kelian de ah del got wisdom tooth muz remove immediately! it cost her about $1200 for that.. coz the tooth beside the wisdom tooth cannot make it oso .. so remove together.. therefore me er jie n mum split the amount.. imagine.. bobian she.... haiz.. see her pain meh .. argh~ well...
This is not the worst, mum n me acc. her to the dental..farking hell i dun dare to go into the room with her, i scare ma ...ah ham.. den mum go in... after awhile she came out (scare also) haha.. den both of us wait outside for her.. dat evening no ppl already den I heard a farking loud AAAAHHHH!!!!!! damn it ah del shouted ... fark fark fark....mum n I were like covering our ears can.. den my legs go weak.. yes i very ah ham! scare lo .. er.. she suffer for about half an hour I think. poor her.. had a terrible sunday night having the pain all the way till morning.. hai kelian..
Den!!! worst is..I have nightmare about it..about ah del shouting .. ma de.. i was so so so scare.. argh! She had MC for a week, so I drove to work.. haha.. song bo! heee...:P
Del @ home = majong... ytd majong till about 12 plus am.. first 2 rounds daddy mummy del and (me+ah dear=rotate) funny won hundred over .. haha ah del sway lahx!
oh yah.. today marks the end of the probation month for me.... its gonna b a major turn over... *crossing finger* hope I gets wad I hope n wanted though.
gonna go goodrich choose wallpaper liao...shall stop here... happy tueSday!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watched house bunny ytd with ah dear..not a bad show I could say...juz a average show to me..but ya I enjoyed..okie her body is damn toned..so envy..well...and she is damn pretty n her figure..omg lohx...

Bought a oven toaster for mummy ytd too, she seem quite happy la, coz we were discussing about baking some stuffs which the microwave oven cant do. SO! I bought her one therefore she can keep herself busy at home making new recipe i guess..i love my mama!!!
Spent quite a sum of $ this few days... Gonna tie my hands together.. haa...oh ya been crazy over some HK dramas...now watching tong tian gan tan...next boss gonna lend me her tang xin fong bao part 2.. Once I start watching I really CANT STOP.. last weekend watched it till like 6am with ah dear.. crazy us huh!
Weekend coming again... YESSSSSSSsssSSSSsss!!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

my cuties

LELE :"pls carry me up the bed....."

JAG JAG :" wanna slp already still take photo.....zzzz"

KIKI: "take all u wan, i still gonna zzzzz....."

KIKI: "ok la ok la..give u 1 nice nice eh pose....cosy bed..."

sama sama so ke ai right!!!! heeeeeeee my cuties

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

hAppY haRi raYA~

yeAh~..feeling so happie today...not coz its hari raya....coz its a public holiday plus I went shopping with er jie juz now..Drive dear's car down to pick er jie den go bugis.. so many ppl.. lucky we got home with us something if not sian...bought a pair of NICE jeans...sling bag and cardigan... but teriyaki chicken stick n a very very very very very big sausage for dear to eat.He lazy dunwan shop with us so he stay at home play his games...haa.. wooo hooo~~~~emotionally feel good but....gastris still abit gao wei since monday night.. later if cannot ta han i think gonna go c doctor.. but P.H see doctor consultation fee double leh.. if not jialat think tomorrow den go see.. wahaha.:D tomorrow's thursday~~ yeah~ 2 more days to weekends again :P

Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny story

Was told by my sister a true life story about her fren's fren. This fren A bought a dog from thailand with cert of been microchipped and wadever license the dog need to be brought back to spore. Back in spore, the dog was kept in AVA for observant for 2 weeks.. making sure its safe to be kept. Then... brought back home after that, fren A realise y sometimes her dog walk with 2 back legs...(like a human). Brought it to the VET, after testssss...
VET : " Do u noe wad U've brought back from thailand?"
Fren A : " Dog loh...." showing the cert that she've got
VET: "for ur info your dog IS A BABY BEAR"
Fren A : "...................."
Vet: Called up the zoo for adoption......
See...beware of wad u buy from other country eh.... but I was like.. luffing like hell.. juz imagine if the BEAR grows bigger n bigger.. oh man. If im the owner I think I will faint..lol

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shopping Spree

Yeah..shopped alone at far east today while waiting for dear to get done with his stuff.. I can be damn fast in decision making when shopping alone coz no one for me to ask "eh nice anot" haha
in a hour or 2 i think i spent about hundred bucks.. I bought bag...dress..eh...xiao ha....n.. hmm... SHOE! Actually wan to get more pairs of shoes but the design.. none actually catch my attention.. so only bought a pair of the "witch shoe" thats wad my dear describe my pointed shoes as. ahaha.. happy... gonna turn in soon gotta go site to settle some tiling work tmr.. yeah.. I'm gonna drive down to the site hope I don't get lost in somewhere oolllooooo..wahaha...oh ya.. gonna check the street directory now coz the pajiao me... er... haha...gambateh~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Oh I was about to get food downstair @ this condo....here's wad happen

ME - walk happily around the condo's park.. looking for cafe to buy FOOD. but pajiao me cant find
- saw a security, so I approach him.....

ME: "excuse me, is there any cafe here?"
Security: "oh I'm going over let me bring u there"
ME: "ah good...thankssss (feeling abit anti-social)"
Security : "OH by the way...there is only a chinese food stall......"
ME: (frown...I expected his next sentence)
Security: "R u .....M....."
Me: "OH, no no noooo (i ren - feel like slapping him) I AM NOT MALAY" (replying politely)
Security : "Hee... there no malay stall...I tot u ...HAAAAAALAAL......" and he repeat "there only got ONE chinese stall"
Me: -smile- -.-"

ok.. I'm used to it..but joke for the day....next time I'm going to ans ppl who ask if I'm a...MM saying oh yes ya ya ya I only eat pork...n only pork....PORRRRRK! :X

i haTE it

i jus hate the way I feel..............................................about it. . . .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Been staying home for a few weekends, dear busy @ work ..so kept myself busy playing games. Wanted to do my 3d but stupid me forgot to bring the program to download.~ argh! He has been busy lately..but still kept me accompanied when he have e time(like while waiting for emails...calls..bla bla bla)..
Hafen been out for shopping spree..movie or wadever.. kinda busy i guesss..I'm lazy though.. and I guess this is a good time to save $$$$!!!

Dad's health hafen been good lately..admitted to hospital...coz heart pain so I took half day to get lunch down to sgh for him with mum n del on thursday. well he's gonna be under observation still though he's back at home.. next month gonna go for another appt at sgh and we the siblings make sure that either 1 of us take leave to accompany him down for the cardiac appt. Bro @ beijing working but he's still as concern about dad's health ...:) Keep reminding me n er jie to buy yu ren sheng's bird nest n its those expensive 1s for both mummy n daddy..haha heng still can afford....and we gonna do so hopefully by next week :) Dad feel better after taking those medicine..well he is not as sick lah...still as hyper..we juz worry of the condition u see.. I had been controlling wad mama cooks for dinner n a BIG NO NO to tibits for him already ...hahaha..... though not much serious problem but still muz take really good care @ this age mahx..

For me, new office is driving me crazy...layout keep changing therefore details also... do till i also giddy lohx.. many many site coming up... many many more 3ds to do.. OH MAN... oh ya i juz hate my laptop..ARGH~

Feeling not really good....emotionally.....mentally.... I don noe why.... MOOD SWINGS I guess..sianzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, September 19, 2008

Well nothing to blog about.. i juz hate the weather recently.. wear nice nice den sweat sweat sweat... ma de.. stupid weather....ZZZ

Saturday, September 13, 2008

hOOk upSss

OMG~~~ okie.. I'm HOOKED to all these games I've bought..ya lahx...abit childish..but i like games like that ....destress mahx... i can sit up to 6hrs straight playing turbo pizza...i juz LOOOOOOVE them...gonna get more different version... den can become my collection next time give to my babies and my nieces to play....
my dear busy working..irregular hours mahx... sian so i keep myself busy playing these games while waiting for him to come home.. wahaha.. i like i like i like thesssse games... more more more....See......heh :Dmore to add on to my collection!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

where is my kopi!

Damn...no mood to work at all.. head super pain.. kopi out of stock in office.. felt so disappointed from morning till now.. coz no kopi to drink.. no morale to work.. no energy to think...argh... no kopi = no work.. so pissed off whole mind is kopi.. Im gonna go home drink a BIG cup of kopi.. 2 more hours to go.. days without kopi...time seems so slow.. tick tock tick tock ... GGGGggrrRRRrrR........ I NEED MY KOPI!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Feeling very bad today, just have to learn to talk and ask LESS... No body will answer me anyway...It takes 2 hands to clap.. I feel like as if I'm always clapping myself. Or shld I say slapping myself...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Night out @ Dbl O

Night out at Dbl O .... been so long.. haa.. woo hoo.. feeling great... jiu jiu yi chi.... everyone enjoy the night .. of course with the right ka kis.. though the music not as nice in the later part of the night.. we went crazy that night.. drink drink drink ...puke puke puke... so stupid right... haa...back to the dance floor feel still as good....yooo~ yoo~ yooo~....haha.... great night out!

Lambogini for the birthday boy.. nice ah..

the grp of die hard buddies...face semi red..oh 1 more missing.. haha

12 jugs of.... puking causing vodkaz...

...........dot dot dot...TA~~~~~

Followed by tequillas.... buey si meh?
Though they mixed so many types of alcohol everybody were fine ...goody goody ah .. well train well train.. dear birthday coming .... i think .... die la.. haa gotta think so some program so they wont make us drink too much...I'm SO scare of puking ok... :P

Friday, September 5, 2008


OMG its FRIDAY...again~ loads n loads of stuff lining up in my schedule. Juz so so so so busy... gonna move office next month.. I felt I have been saying this too much in here.. ahaha still hafen move.. oh man.. I'm excited alright..
Gonna go relax tonight at ST JAMES, its dear's fren's birthday... its like.. been so so so long since I step in there..well sua ku le loh.. alright alright ...cooooool..

Juz reformatted my laptop at home.. now abit faster.. abit only lohz.. faint la.. but better den nth. lucky I found my softwares in my another laptop if not how to freelance. Haa.. now I feel dat 求人不如求己..Jus feel that if u don haf the ability or time to help..juz say loh..y make empty promises dat u will help when u wont at all... aiya....i noe work very busy but I'm juz asking a SMALL favour..its like.. don wanna elaborate it more .. say liao dulan.. like today ask den ppl promise me ok ok... now i think 3 days no reply at all... wad frens are for? i juz feel that NONE r as trustworthy. 最讨厌别人谝我了!Well...maybe is I'm too troublesome.. shld have prepare eveything before I want to start doing stuffs...last min 求人帮忙....没用的啦!我已学会靠自己.wadever la.. i don really give a damn.. juz disappointed.. sometimes, we got to learn to reject if its beyond our own ability u see... not everytime ok ok meaning u r a great person...任生吞气是没有用得.... make ourself miserable only loh...don wanna say much...

enjoy my weekends!

Monday, August 25, 2008


For the time being.. after diner dash~~ WII!!! wahaha me n dear play till we achieve the PRO ball ok! haha we r the pro in WII but in real life bowling.. juz ...haha.. every weekend play till my arm cramp..still need to put muscle rub..lol so stupid hor.. wahaha i LIKE...

my dear's

this is ME!!! haha the tanned me...lol...

Oh ya see this.. childhood biscuit leh... last time buy one packet dunnoe how many cents only.. oh man still so nice.. xiang dang nian... yuMMy biscuit.. hard to find nowadays.. but i bought A BOX!