Friday, December 19, 2008


Seems like everybody is falling sick.. me too... hai took 2 days MC den today went back office though still feeling dizzy...had to clear all the shit boss left for me.. its really PILES n PILES of darn shit.. all so last min.. NB...whole morning dun wanna inform me to do den afternoon 3pm expect me to finish 6 3ds for her.. darn! Pls lo.. my head been spinning for the whole day..bloody nose blocked and i CANT breathe...fark up! bobian on 2 computers to do those till head gong gong...KNN... dunno la.. i feel her time management is super super super buey sai..NB.. I hate this loh..KNN!!!#$%^&*(
Den at night sms me say my dimensions all wrong...not proportional.... NB I follow her farking each and every dimensions okie.. fark it la... go to hell la! lim bu is now farking not happie....with the company....and YES I have tots of HOPping again.. juz look into the jobs websites...lotsa place hiring sales designer some with immediate vacancy..
Wadever it is.. jus fark it.. i hate it.. gonna bloody sick now.. bloody pressure rises as i blog.. KNN!#$%^&*(*&^%$#