Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday bluess...but not as blue as any other monday.. kinda holiday mood now la.. gonna xmas..and soon new year.. another 1 yr older.. gonna wish everyone merry xmas n happy birthday to my beloved er jie...her bday falls on xmas ha.. so good ah.. many ppl gonna count down for her.:D Actually I'm not a very xmas in celebration, I juz buy pressie to make ppl happy :D and.. yah...there is a xmas party on the eve with dear's frens.. (dun really like celebrating xmas-counting down to xmas) i always have an image in my mind when the clock strikes 12 ppl start wishing each other merry xmas.. (felt abit lame) haaahaaa wadever la ..
Meeting mummy after work to do some xmas shopping :P yea.. spent kinda lotsa $ this month.. pamper myself ma...haa.. gonna shop something nice for myself again later.. wahaha.. oh ya I bought some "rush" games online.. got 40% off plus USD now not very high.. i looooove those games leh.. collected alot already..more to come.. alot of nice games coming soon also ... *evil smile*
Feeling better today already just that nose still abit block.. but ok la.. dunno izzit took medicine w/o food that few days den now gastric not very good.. everyday pain.. sian.. hope I get better soon.. hate gastric.. so xin ku de neh..gonna go back to render the bloody 3d.. took so long can.. heng i got another lappy so i can blog n surf net.. wont hang.. wahah.. clever me la.. wad to do... lol!!