Friday, November 14, 2008

doooo dooo

Officially moved in to the new office today...but everything still in a mess ..wads new? but lucky office n my table is all done..internet copier essential items all done.. gotta lots of thing to coordinate in the new site.. lotsa thing to order n plan.. yea waiting for my 12k PC to arrived with all the new software..expensive PC.. think it will be good.. haa... but im happy with where i am now :D busy lately on a retail proposal.. argh~~~~ chim.. and time given is like damn SHORT...commercial always like dat...damn... gonna hibernate soon.. lol

yeah dear bought me donuts... fattening leh.. dont he noe im already bui bui (fat fat) already? omg..and he say he is going to get me more donut.. haha sweet of him....n fattening of me...haha .....dunno y i cant rotate the pic.. lazy to use photoshop..haa