Saturday, September 20, 2008

Been staying home for a few weekends, dear busy @ work kept myself busy playing games. Wanted to do my 3d but stupid me forgot to bring the program to download.~ argh! He has been busy lately..but still kept me accompanied when he have e time(like while waiting for emails...calls..bla bla bla)..
Hafen been out for shopping or wadever.. kinda busy i guesss..I'm lazy though.. and I guess this is a good time to save $$$$!!!

Dad's health hafen been good lately..admitted to hospital...coz heart pain so I took half day to get lunch down to sgh for him with mum n del on thursday. well he's gonna be under observation still though he's back at home.. next month gonna go for another appt at sgh and we the siblings make sure that either 1 of us take leave to accompany him down for the cardiac appt. Bro @ beijing working but he's still as concern about dad's health ...:) Keep reminding me n er jie to buy yu ren sheng's bird nest n its those expensive 1s for both mummy n daddy..haha heng still can afford....and we gonna do so hopefully by next week :) Dad feel better after taking those medicine..well he is not as sick lah...still as hyper..we juz worry of the condition u see.. I had been controlling wad mama cooks for dinner n a BIG NO NO to tibits for him already ...hahaha..... though not much serious problem but still muz take really good care @ this age mahx..

For me, new office is driving me crazy...layout keep changing therefore details also... do till i also giddy lohx.. many many site coming up... many many more 3ds to do.. OH MAN... oh ya i juz hate my laptop..ARGH~

Feeling not really good....emotionally.....mentally.... I don noe why.... MOOD SWINGS I guess..sianzzzzzzzzzz