Friday, September 5, 2008


OMG its FRIDAY...again~ loads n loads of stuff lining up in my schedule. Juz so so so so busy... gonna move office next month.. I felt I have been saying this too much in here.. ahaha still hafen move.. oh man.. I'm excited alright..
Gonna go relax tonight at ST JAMES, its dear's fren's birthday... its like.. been so so so long since I step in there..well sua ku le loh.. alright alright ...cooooool..

Juz reformatted my laptop at home.. now abit faster.. abit only lohz.. faint la.. but better den nth. lucky I found my softwares in my another laptop if not how to freelance. Haa.. now I feel dat 求人不如求己..Jus feel that if u don haf the ability or time to help..juz say loh..y make empty promises dat u will help when u wont at all... aiya....i noe work very busy but I'm juz asking a SMALL favour..its like.. don wanna elaborate it more .. say liao dulan.. like today ask den ppl promise me ok ok... now i think 3 days no reply at all... wad frens are for? i juz feel that NONE r as trustworthy. 最讨厌别人谝我了!Well...maybe is I'm too troublesome.. shld have prepare eveything before I want to start doing stuffs...last min 求人帮忙....没用的啦!我已学会靠自己.wadever la.. i don really give a damn.. juz disappointed.. sometimes, we got to learn to reject if its beyond our own ability u see... not everytime ok ok meaning u r a great person...任生吞气是没有用得.... make ourself miserable only loh...don wanna say much...

enjoy my weekends!