Monday, July 28, 2008

monday blues

Damn stomach feel so terribly bad.. since last night..feeling bad too coz its a monday.. oh man its only 1051am now.. so so so don feel like working.. feel like slamming my stomach.. ARGH.. pain pain pain... :(
Last fri was bad... i told u ppl i really BI SHI ...those hei hei de.. oh ok.. I AM RACIST towards them...ahem..opss :X er..met ah dear early as i knock off early last fri, den when we r on our way home there is this stupid hei hei de biker siao or wad want us to stop by road shoulder.. stop stop la..scare u ar.. he claim that we force him to brake when my dear is changing lane. hello... change lane we signal u go so fast for wad.. den both got down to road shoulder... i didnt hear wad they say much.. juz heard LJ LJ LJ..haha. wadever .. the hei hei de is so ...see his face oso dulan.. den my dear say call TP come judge lo den the hei hei de say no.. its obviously he is finding trouble man.. den the hei hei de so stupid ok.. ask my dear to beat him.. i think he really f**king crazy lo.. no standards at all..beat him dirty hands ok..MEI WEN HUA de hei hei..dear got back to the car n leave ..den the stupid hei hei follow ...come beside me n close my f**king side mirror den dear sway towards him.. he sway far away ok I think his balls drops..OR BI!!! but he continue to follow in a distance. aiya dunno how to say, y this kinda hei hei ppl no brain 1.. den let him follow lo..big deal.. after awhile he went off..think he no $ pump petrol la..i really BI SHI OK!!! how long can he follow us man.. that moment i feel so much to wind the window down n give him a punch!argh... dun care.. mai ho wa du tio ah! lol....put this behind.. say till i so angry now ok. argh .. den went bowling with dear's kakis.. as usual the bunch of funny guys.. buey da han them lo .. fun night..............
OH ya.. went to watch PROM night too.. not really nice la.. the storyline all expected de loh.. kill this kill that den kill alot ppl le in the end kana BANG BANG die le.. wahaha.. I rate it 4/10 stars. I still prefer CHI BI.. dunnoe when part 2 coming ...!!!! Next show I gonna catch.. the very spore wei dao de money no enuff 2.. muz b stupid show lah.. but think will b funny bahx.. gonna book tix for my parents to watch too...they'll love it ...haha