Tuesday, July 15, 2008


2nd day of work already.. felt much better doing wad I had always did, though sometimes I get bored here, but doing what I'm good at kills time. Time here very flexible, lady boss (N) quite suey bian thus make my life working for her easier. HAA! Just about ten min or less for me to reach the workplace, fast huh..never ever had such a near working place, environment not bad la.. home office in her condo. Its also the first time in my life to work at home.. well its somebody's home, but I get what an company offers so.. work first see how, she is still finding an office..
Previous company at Y I'm the first designer to stick to them for so long, would I get stuck in here too to be the first designer in the current company again? Hell knows. I have big planning, but need quite some time to plan though... BIG PLAN BIG PLAN. (well wait and see)
Ermmm.... kinda hungry now .. cant wait to fly home to eat mama's dishes.. :)~~ *drooling* le... 1 hr plus more to go...chop chop blink blink .. very fast de lohx.. CIAO..gonna finish the work today if not............hMrp! tsk tsk tsk...