Thursday, November 20, 2008


Alone in office...again.. wads new.. feel darn darn bored. Not that I have nothing to do, just no mood to do.. actually not much work to rush, coz boss went out, she ah oways last min when i going to leave den ask me change this change that loh.. say earlier ma...wakao.. sometime I dunno how ppl plan their time.. I tot I'm bad in mine...didnt expect hers is worst..or maybe she is really damn busy ah me 915am she came at 1030am (expected la) ....used to it.. everybody noe her rubber band time.. lol.. heck.. it gonna be none of my business in maybe 2 to 3 months time? hopefully..
Unable to join chris n izon for dinner ytd, coz ah dear's ah ma hospitalised for minor stroke.. scares us, thought wad happen..luckily only her hand got problem, coz got a mini blood clog in e brain, but got to take lifetime medicine, she is already 81 yrs old.. still going strong n damn independant ok! recover soon!
Feeling kinda paranoid with my work ... yes.. dunno la everything in a mess.. showroom dunno WHEN complete...see the pattern now.. walao...looks pathetic to wait...n wait n wait.... daarn! feeling damn bad now lo ... argh!!! dunno y ... fri coming le, think I will feel better...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

away from home

yes im gonna be away from home for 2 weeks, will be at sis' house coz brother in law went back to bored isn't it? to reservice i mean..well its been the 3rd day at sis house.. everything is good...we buy each other's breakfast and dinner.. we talk at night till we fell asleep, reminds me years back when we still staying together :D sweet.... i like staying with her coz can exchange clothes n bags..accessories blah blah blah... haa..gers are like dat right...hiao char bo ma~~....and yes i miss my mummy...daddy doggies .......

Friday, November 14, 2008

doooo dooo

Officially moved in to the new office today...but everything still in a mess ..wads new? but lucky office n my table is all done..internet copier essential items all done.. gotta lots of thing to coordinate in the new site.. lotsa thing to order n plan.. yea waiting for my 12k PC to arrived with all the new software..expensive PC.. think it will be good.. haa... but im happy with where i am now :D busy lately on a retail proposal.. argh~~~~ chim.. and time given is like damn SHORT...commercial always like dat...damn... gonna hibernate soon.. lol

yeah dear bought me donuts... fattening leh.. dont he noe im already bui bui (fat fat) already? omg..and he say he is going to get me more donut.. haha sweet of him....n fattening of me...haha .....dunno y i cant rotate the pic.. lazy to use photoshop..haa

Thursday, November 13, 2008

bake bake bake

2nd attempt to bake paper sponge cake...but FAIL...turn out to be so chiam stone, den mama realise i nv whipped the egg well enough...

SO!!!! we tried it ytd....again!!! use the electronic "whipper" make sure whip till the egg light n bloody fluffy...haha... damn damn damn damn tired.. i mean my hands tired...

Mama use this many yrs ago...surprisingly, still working well...haha

we made about 17 mini cakes...(my hands feeling so cramp)

the ke ai.s....

final product.....taste juz so nice... wahaha.... in love with baking for
Next ...will be dunno wad muffins.. go see the baking book first ...wahaha...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

baking session...

Had a baking session with mummy n daddy...haha so funny... banana muffin~~~~ my favourite.. Afternoon mummy go buy those ingredients and wait till I knock off from work to start baking my fav. muffins..haha... this is my FIRST time baking something lo. It happens coz I bought a toaster oven for mummy plus I bought a baking cookery book...LOL... See...the green weighing machine... so cute so old school...haha....

I whipped the flour till my arm cramp.. so daddy take over.. he very strong n fast okie....haha

okie...we're ready to start.....baking.....:P

BUT 1st tray turn out to be.... CHAO TA~!!!...... but internal still good...taste good too haha...
2nd try......adjust the farking heat of the oven....
We waited very very

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA NICE BAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun play play ... siao siao de hor..

see so cute....

TASTE NICE Acups....B cups.... and C cups.....LOL next time daddy say wanna make durian muffins... peanut butter muffins... blah blah blah ......LOVE:D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Qian bian

No mood to do work went ard msn asking ppl qian bian wen da ti.. haa.. den in the end face the computer luff at myself... sounds stupid ya..but i enjoyed... sound so zhi bi lo.....

Q1) Why is michael jackson keep looking for pen??
Q2) Why lian rong bao n man tou watch a super sad movie together but only lian rong bao cry and not man tou?

A1) recall his song chorus : "oh beat it~~~~~ oh beat it~~~~" = "oh leh~~ oh leh~~~"
A2) its coz lian rong bao got fillings = FEELINGS man tou don't have...

haa haa~~thanks to edna and joey who gave me super lame ans like :
((when lian rong bao cry his "lian rong" squeeze out but man tou dun hav "chap"))
((the movie is abt makin of bun.. then lian rong bao saw his frien gt the same fate as him.. mus squeeze lian rong into his brain))

make me luff ....and ya im still luffing.. siao char bo...

gonna go for my body massage after work~ yeah... oh yah did I mention 我明天不想去上班??!!我真的不不不不不不不不想。。。。。。。。。。。。


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ytd went to TM to change my hp no.. no special reason I guess, tot for a few days..abit 3 xin 2 yi lah, but in the end still did it lohz. den the lucky me, while queueing up at starhub, boss called. TMD, she forgot to bring key!!!!! den e hao xin de me, took cab back to pass her the key den rush to my facial appt. wasted my $10 cab fare. gei gao loh! still tot of shoppin at TM before go facial but.. argh dun say liao la..
den the stupid me today when filling up some form I wrote the old no. abit cant get use to it.. muz remind myself that...stupid..
Getting kinda emo today leh ... dunno is it coz its wed.. argh.. no link la. juz feel feel feel down? mood swings eh..
next next week gonna move to er jie's house to stay coz jiefu reservice den she alone.. yeah~ i like staying over at her place but I will miss my doggies.. for 2 weeks. :P
well.. stop here gonna carry on with my work already.. darn bored.. OK!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hafen been blogging lately.. final confirmation of moving office on NOV 10th-15th...haa...muz find a dua dua huat huat day to move in mah..showrooms all gonna complete...all my design leh .. simple contemp cosy.....practical.. used to design very very abstract design back at my ex company.. but here.. we all go for practical and of coz nice design. at least not like those contractor style..*satisfy*

Majong session on fri night...saddening.. PI loh..loser for the day. haa but okie la luff thruout the night..till 8am ...can u imagine..from 8pm to 8am...GP lotsa pok...funny also.. haahaa...den wads new slept thruout sat...woke up for lunch with dear.. ate my fav mac spicy.. now.. I have mac only once a week :P gonna get rid of my extra fat..if not later become bui chee.. way to go..

Oh ya....watched max payne last week...don like it.. juz watch coz we need to wait for dear's car to finish wax-ing. not good.. wasted $20. argH!