Thursday, October 23, 2008

Food @ changing appetite were good...waiters polite but abit dun understand their languages. too slang.. haa.. well ... busy chatting n luffing away so nv take much photos. forgotten plus coz the stupid chris ask me send him all my mp3 therefore cannot use my camera.. haa ... had a great night out with the cousins.. 10 of us were there.. only part of the strength.. lol... cheerios~~~

birthday boy ate this.. quite big portion...

mine~~~ yummy...bacon chicken

ah dear's steak.. not bad too ...

the hiao char bo stupid chris'

birthday boy... i mean MAN....with the yuMMy ice cream cake...

here comes the hiao char bo..."biao jie" cheeky smile...(qi busy targeting his food)

candid shot..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

happie wednesday

Feeling kinda good today..coz got my increment already fast proobation period over.. somehow satisfied..but who will xian qian duo right... the more the merrier ma..:D haa well at least this company suan ok le.. increment reasonable. i shld feel satified for NOW bah..:P gonna move in to new office ard nov.. everything will b a damn major turn over...!!!
Realise always I'm the first employee they have.. back to Y company can say also the same.. muz help out do abit admin la ...find supplier for computer.. for copier.. everything 1st time. But now not as tedious.. coz got a few contacts le mah.. hope this company wont use the same excuses as Y company uses.. saying ..oh bonus ah ...u muz understand WE JUST MOVE TO NEW OFFICE...blah blah blah spend alot of $$$ blah blah blah..keep my finger crossed okie..
compare this 2 companies.. now will be much much much much much better! hope for the best! always look on the bright side of life~ oh ya happy birthday to ah wee o wee.. gonna have a celebration for him tonight :) the cousins day~~~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I just DON'T feel goooood... lotsa lotsa *******ness in me... within me me me me n me me myself n I ..... i cant speak i cant talk i cant tell i cant say it out LOUD and i cant ask. Feeling pathetic okie...

Friday, October 17, 2008

busy friday

Phew... it was a long and busy day for me... took urgent leave today coz thursday night sent dad to hospital again.. was watching dvd with ah dear @ home back den when dad rush in and say he is out of breath.. grapped the key ah dear drove the car down den went straight to e hospital. the service was fark up ok, while dear go park car me acc dad in.. BUT were supposed to take temperature before we enter the a&e, and the fark up nurses none is stationed at the booth. I WAS DAMN PISSED ok heck care I went straight in the reception counter targeted a nurse which is on the phone.. fark care


nurse (with a fark n emotionless face) : "I'm calling the nurses mdm."

----walk out to check if dad is ok-----

----waited for awhile----------------

male nurse (again, emotionless face) :"sir can i have ur IC"

ME :" Can u speed up.. cant u see he is out of breath"

nurse : (went over to take a wheelchair and push daddy straight in while I head over to the registration counter)

hey pls... cant the nurses have some little sense or urgency? damn pissed off....den daddy was kept for observation until the next morning.. went home with dear den morning drove mummy over to fetch dad. (doctor say results were normal ) *puzzled* made an appointment for him to go for another check which is the cardiac treadmill. *dad WILL be fine

happily after fetching dad, went down to chinatown eat the yummy porridge.. good for heath :D they enjoyed..I'm happy...

Sent dad home, den went out to shop with mummy..haa haa .... kewl. but I bought nth.. juz a HP pouch and dear's card holder & wallet. :) den got a phone call from daddy, 5th aunt hospitalised..dunno y she fainted. * hope everything is fine...i hate hospital... bo bi bo bi my family jian jian kang kang ....!!!

Headed home to catch some slp..farking tired...den evening went to orchard to shop alone while waiting for dear to fetch me.. kewl... bought nth again.. but bought shirt cluff at TANGS for brother..gonna shipped it over to beijing for him :P hope he like it.

the HUGE ice cute hor!!!! hahahahahaha i like!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

injured finger still hurts now.. for a few days already..coz the stupid me dunno how la,when flipping the wallpaper.. the big sample booklet damn heavy... dunnoe how I miss la.. my fingernail seems like flipping over though.. press le very pain .. feel like its beaking into ... half.. but I cant see whether izzit breaking coz nail polish is on .. juz feel the pain when i touch.. damn it.. dun dare to remove my nail polish also. scully crack den will be damn pain.. ren yi ren bahx....:(
Boss told me this morning she will contribute $18 additional to my CPF every month, coz dunnoe wad govt say muz give de.. den she give loh.. dunno call wad skill development shit.. cant remember.. she say this contribution has been like for 3 yrs.. so my previous company cheated my $18/per mth for like one n a half year!.. though not alot la.. but...hey don cheat me ma..haa bad leh .. small amount oso k siao k siao .. wads new!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

emo days

Though busy working also but when back at home.. very emo i shall say.. dunnoe y..well i did something very wrong today..didnt wan to elaborate but evryone get a chance and y not me? no matter wad..hai dunnoe how to pharse it.. sorry is the hardest word I can say in e past but not now... feeling apologetic n stupid. shed every single tears that carries the pain in me. but who cares? huo gai.. set up the mess myself, I clear it off myself, but i am not given any chance at all...NO one will understand how apologetic n hurt I am now.. tonnes n tonnes of unhapiness I kept to myself. wadever i feel very empty...utterly...
read up yun's blog..back at that time everything were so good.. footdrill...solos.. sectionals.. and of course the post hectic practices we have like...gossip...blah blah blah.. i missed ...really
But life is very xian shi de.. wads gone is gone..only left with memories...and tonnes of memories.. its like we cant turn back time..wad i can is....sweet memories...
I hated myself alot.. life...*too emo*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

poor me

Bad month... spent quite alot of $$$$$$$ firstly is the facial package I paid for...$800+...haha den kelian de ah del got wisdom tooth muz remove immediately! it cost her about $1200 for that.. coz the tooth beside the wisdom tooth cannot make it oso .. so remove together.. therefore me er jie n mum split the amount.. imagine.. bobian she.... haiz.. see her pain meh .. argh~ well...
This is not the worst, mum n me acc. her to the dental..farking hell i dun dare to go into the room with her, i scare ma ...ah ham.. den mum go in... after awhile she came out (scare also) haha.. den both of us wait outside for her.. dat evening no ppl already den I heard a farking loud AAAAHHHH!!!!!! damn it ah del shouted ... fark fark fark....mum n I were like covering our ears can.. den my legs go weak.. yes i very ah ham! scare lo .. er.. she suffer for about half an hour I think. poor her.. had a terrible sunday night having the pain all the way till morning.. hai kelian..
Den!!! worst is..I have nightmare about it..about ah del shouting .. ma de.. i was so so so scare.. argh! She had MC for a week, so I drove to work.. haha.. song bo! heee...:P
Del @ home = majong... ytd majong till about 12 plus am.. first 2 rounds daddy mummy del and (me+ah dear=rotate) funny won hundred over .. haha ah del sway lahx!
oh yah.. today marks the end of the probation month for me.... its gonna b a major turn over... *crossing finger* hope I gets wad I hope n wanted though.
gonna go goodrich choose wallpaper liao...shall stop here... happy tueSday!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watched house bunny ytd with ah dear..not a bad show I could say...juz a average show to me..but ya I enjoyed..okie her body is damn envy..well...and she is damn pretty n her figure..omg lohx...

Bought a oven toaster for mummy ytd too, she seem quite happy la, coz we were discussing about baking some stuffs which the microwave oven cant do. SO! I bought her one therefore she can keep herself busy at home making new recipe i guess..i love my mama!!!
Spent quite a sum of $ this few days... Gonna tie my hands together.. haa...oh ya been crazy over some HK watching tong tian gan boss gonna lend me her tang xin fong bao part 2.. Once I start watching I really CANT STOP.. last weekend watched it till like 6am with ah dear.. crazy us huh!
Weekend coming again... YESSSSSSSsssSSSSsss!!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

my cuties

LELE :"pls carry me up the bed....."

JAG JAG :" wanna slp already still take photo.....zzzz"

KIKI: "take all u wan, i still gonna zzzzz....."

KIKI: "ok la ok la..give u 1 nice nice eh pose....cosy bed..."

sama sama so ke ai right!!!! heeeeeeee my cuties

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

hAppY haRi raYA~

yeAh~..feeling so happie today...not coz its hari raya....coz its a public holiday plus I went shopping with er jie juz now..Drive dear's car down to pick er jie den go bugis.. so many ppl.. lucky we got home with us something if not sian...bought a pair of NICE bag and cardigan... but teriyaki chicken stick n a very very very very very big sausage for dear to eat.He lazy dunwan shop with us so he stay at home play his games...haa.. wooo hooo~~~~emotionally feel good but....gastris still abit gao wei since monday night.. later if cannot ta han i think gonna go c doctor.. but P.H see doctor consultation fee double leh.. if not jialat think tomorrow den go see.. wahaha.:D tomorrow's thursday~~ yeah~ 2 more days to weekends again :P