Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Argh! my neck n right shoulder are giving me real big problem since last fri.. ma de.. muscle ache.. damn damn pain.. 4 days already.. if not gonna get any better soon.. er jie wants me to go consult doctor.. eee.. i hate to queue for my family doctor, forever very long.. always wait 1 to 2 hours before my turn.. unless bobian den i will go.. if not.. : felt real uncomfortable now man! feel like chopping off my shoulder...!!!
Oh ya... i bought 3 astroboy to add on to my collection... so damn cute lo .. haha...see..I juz cant help it... next time(dunno when yet) I gonna have a power power de display area for all my astroboy stuffs!

leather belt ( I'm not going to wear! juz to keep)

Car sun screen....AAAAwwwWWW

astroboy..transparent...got lights ok !