Monday, August 25, 2008


For the time being.. after diner dash~~ WII!!! wahaha me n dear play till we achieve the PRO ball ok! haha we r the pro in WII but in real life bowling.. juz ...haha.. every weekend play till my arm cramp..still need to put muscle so stupid hor.. wahaha i LIKE...

my dear's

this is ME!!! haha the tanned

Oh ya see this.. childhood biscuit leh... last time buy one packet dunnoe how many cents only.. oh man still so nice.. xiang dang nian... yuMMy biscuit.. hard to find nowadays.. but i bought A BOX!

Friday, August 22, 2008

New HP

Yeay..change hp.. again... okie la.. coz my hp sot sot le wad den under warranty sony wanna charge me another $50 to repair.. dulan ...faster trade in at least still got a LITTLE value. bought the new sony ecrisson C902!!! Red de.. nice leh 5 megapixel.. haha ..the camera so special also:D Hope this phone last longer den I wanted it to.. :)
thanks dear!

Busy busy busy... alot to do leh.. concept / presentation ...argh~ too busy.. but am happy coz its a FRIDAY!
Oh called up SPCA this morning.. hoping they have news of lost dogs. Stupid hotline so busy.. keep entering the voicemail.. den leave my msg n no already still nv call back.. The operators so busy meh ? Been calling since 12noon...finally ah ... got ans !!!! damn... gave they wadever details they need.. I hope they contact me soon with real GOOD news. Benny benny... hui lai le la.. ma de anyhow run.. Er jie printed some info to be pasted around her area today.. HOPING someone can find him n bring him home soon.. hai.. well now we can only wait n pray...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sad day

So sad today, er jie told me benny BU JIAN LE.. the stupid gate dunnoe who open nv close back.. benny run away from home !!! SOB~~~~ Jie fu been looking for him the whole morning.. to no avail.. hai...I told er jie to print some flyers to paste ard the area hope someone find him and walk him home...SOON...or benny pls find the way home...stop scrolling.. tibits waiting for you at home!!! wroof wroof... Worst come to worst... if he kana caught by ppl.. pray that they are real dog lovers.. bi bo bi...sob...BENNNNY!!!!! go home soon!!!! missing him :(

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Cherish everyone ard u. U nv noe when n who will be drifting away from u without even knowing. A simple greeting for frens out there.. Just a hi, how r u ? will let them noe they are remembered and cared. In our busy life dun forget this simple greeting to ppl u cherish. U nv noe how much it weighs in their heart. Its not time consuming.. no matter how busy u can be, just spend a min, to text down a msg, to let ppl noe u really cared.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

They are juz so so so so so cute right... just had new hair cut.. see so neat and tidy....and super WHITE...haha...cutie cutie...front:kiki(13yrs old) back:lele........(3yrs old) not much different lo..

SEE!!!! happen to snap when he is crossing his legs.. posing ok.. with mummy's leg by one side. OMG..cute.. ya HE is wearing a PINK top...

Can u spot something.??? yea..thats my playful LELE....she like to b the dislay in the shelf.. see all her toys there.. haha.. another poser...LOL... ke ai de ta men :D.....

Monday, August 18, 2008

i HATE mondays

Counting down to 530....gotta leave to east point collect my HP from the "hospital" ta ma de..stupid keypads crack again..also dunno how they crack..its a sliding phone loh.. how can the number key crack when they r protected! NB.. oppsss :X if it cracks the third time..... !#$%^&*((*&^
Didnt do much work today..coz not much work now.. boss went overseas den onlyleave abit of work only.. wa sian boh...i hate when theres nth to do.. time passes so slow slow slow... surf net.. update blog.. surf facebook.. msn chat...blah blah blah.. time still like tick tock tick tock tiiii slow lohx! zZzzZZ I can sense more work coming when she reach spore today.. ...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

another Saturday..

Don have to go work.. slept till 1oplus den went over to bugis.. shop alone while waiting for dear to finish his work at office.. machiam like very long nv take mrt.. go work always take bus only ma.. sat so cramp lohz.. den very stupid me ..alight at bugis den walao eh i exit wrong escalator end up opp. bugis can.. dummy dum dum can.. den go down underpass again..dunno izzit too long nv go out ah..sua ku liao.. haa.. started to shop awhile den dear reach le ...heng I bought a pair of shorts, at least something ma. if not nv buy will feel abit gao wei.. u noe u noe..
Had my fav duck noodle at tamah jurong for dinner.. leh the noodle...:D~see the photo can feel the tastiness right.. will haf it almost once a week... been eating for years already..since donkey time .. haa

Lately kana HOOK to this it alot.. use to play on er jie's DS...den downoad to PSP... PSP version damn hard to play...dulan leh... PC de alot different... play till my arm cramp.. ha...kills time..I like this type of jiao jiao de games.. gotta go buy other version like pet shop management...blah blah blah.. saw alot on the rack.. haha...okie.. gonna go back to continue.~~~ weee~~~~~~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Heh... watching scv now..funny show..meanwhile eyes feel so so so tired can...TSK tsk tsssssk....3d 3d 3d 3d .....laptop kind of laggy...feeling fed up already....I'm an IMPATIENT lady...really.... I think I really need a super fast com that can meet to my working speed.. bloody laptop!
Oh take bus got a CHEEENA ger walao eh very KS ok ...KIA SU... push push push ...bus is like damn damn cramp in the evening.. juz to grap the seat...those CHEEEEENA aunty can really sQUUUUUeeeeeeeze! Nabeh.... Ya, I'm not only racist to hei hei de... I am to CHEEEEENA .... I had real bad impressions of them...e CHEEEEENA bitches..especially when they talk..alright I'm very wad wad wad la but who cares....they are just so uncivilised..I didnt mean all but some of them la!
Talking about this last friday when was at far east plaza with ah dear n jason...after our dinner were smoking outside the subway..den came this YI LIAN DE CHEEEEna 'aunty'...wearing very tight fit shorts with heels n...a white top...walk over to us and very sao de ask "XIAN SHEEEEEENG....YOU MEI YOU HUO?" I look transparent meh? I was like ...duh~mei you huo den deng shan dian lo! we are smoking right cant u juz say in a normal tone...Sucha bitch ok ...den Jason pass her his zippo lighter den the CHEEEEENA say..luffing bitchily..."HA HA HA ZHE SHI SE ME WO BU HUI YONG"(SHAO) hey hello....CHEENA if u wanna flirt den go somewhr else..orchard oso kana infested by this kinda bitches..MAN.. I so so feel like giving the CHEENA a slap can....den we were like... er... its er xin ok ! buey da han...SI CHEEEENA! Everywhere leh...when I see them i feel so fang gan ok...argh dunno how to express the ERness of them in me... YUCKS~

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Argh! my neck n right shoulder are giving me real big problem since last fri.. ma de.. muscle ache.. damn damn pain.. 4 days already.. if not gonna get any better soon.. er jie wants me to go consult doctor.. eee.. i hate to queue for my family doctor, forever very long.. always wait 1 to 2 hours before my turn.. unless bobian den i will go.. if not.. : felt real uncomfortable now man! feel like chopping off my shoulder...!!!
Oh ya... i bought 3 astroboy to add on to my collection... so damn cute lo .. haha...see..I juz cant help it... next time(dunno when yet) I gonna have a power power de display area for all my astroboy stuffs!

leather belt ( I'm not going to wear! juz to keep)

Car sun screen....AAAAwwwWWW lights ok !

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Been soaking myself in front of the com on sat .. to finish my 9 pcs of 3d freelance.. kewl huh $_$..Realise my visual is getting blur blurrer blurrrrer n blurrrrreer... haha.. sometime gotta frown to actually see the wordings in the com. Argh.. i dun wanna wear glasses leh.. n im damn afraid of contact lens.. think i gonna go check my eyesight real soon before it become worst man.. bo bi me sun sun li li .... dun need wear glasses.. haha... eh...nth much to update today... lets continue my online shoppping... im surf surf...see see buY BUY!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Its wednesday...yeay aunty mabel's hopeful day...dunnoe will huat anot ah .. alright.. wadever la, ke yu bu ke kiu...hmmm... Time passes damn fast over here.. i think it means I enjoy working over here.. 5 day week..I like..Haa..Been damn busy over the last 2 days.. 3d 3d 3d....detail detail gonna time to breathe...den freelance freelance freelance..
Ytd del off day.. wads new ..den me papa mama n del... mahjong!!! haha .. I won $110++ for 2 po.. kewl ah.. damn lucky cards.. damn funny times. Keep on luff luff luff.. joke joke joke.. play till 11pm+. daddy won $85++...del and mama lost..haa.. mama de cards damn bad lo ytd.. so damn funny..I love spending ime with my family.. I just love them to bits :D
Dear now having one week leave at home.. maternity leave ah one week leh! ... haha .. nua nua nua.. play online gaming..den nua nua nua... tonight gonna meet him for dinner:) yeAY! Really think he need to rest to relax his mind lo. He had been so so busy for the past week. xin ku ni le wo de dear!!! $_$
OH... didnt see er jie online today.. dunnoe issit on leave again .. almost everyday will talk to her on msn.. gossip kpo....complain.. online shop together...haha ...well well well...gan qing hao bah!
haa :D anyway I hope all dream will come true SOON. JIA YOU JIAYOU!!
Gonna move to new office soon.. heard boss say found a place i think ard UBI..oh man .. well.. ok la ma hiam la.... gotta have new table .. ok excited about the new environment.. I think the space will be well planned not like... last time my office so cramp... ERRR :X alright qiang you er later..haha
OKAy I think I better shut up and get back to work if not later cannot finish in time.. haa..

Happy WEDNeSDAY!!! HaPPy WOkING@_@

Sunday, August 3, 2008

my memorable night....

We had a week advance celebration for the 4th yr anni...oh man.. it was a memorable night :D It was the first time I see the cars n ppl like little ants from the 70th storey restaurant sky dine @ swiss hotel..oh man ...ok say me suaaaaa ku..but first time mah...excited...n.. ok the lift ...kinda fast leh..but cant really feel it..ok lo sua ku la.. see those nice nice de photos....wahaha...
while we wait for the table that dear reserved ....


all clear...

the buildings.....tiny hor...

okay the entrance....i felt abit cheeeena la..but serve westernised food..strange ah..


the yummy yummy menu.....

the cute hor...haa...

here comes the =D~~~~~~ Mahi mahi steak....

yummy yummy n expensive FooOOOooOOOD!!! (rib eye steak)

mocktail...taste....okie only...aahahaha

Lastly.....desert......classic banana split... yummy....

SeeeeEEEeee.... didnt manage to reserve the window seat....full house ok..but nvm...atmosphere damn power...

SUDDENLY.....pOp pOOOp PoooOOOp ...ARGH!!! fire works can!!!!!!!! NDP preview .....

n more....


I like this..


ended with a few waittress standing in alot ang mo waiter/managers n hei hei de waiters..but ok la they damn frenly n polite..
when we leaving the place.... the view was like... awWwwwW~~~~~~(okie i sua ku)
Alright thanks dear for the perfect surprise for the night! wahaha... Loooooove it!
nan wang de yi tian!

Friday, August 1, 2008

la kopi....

Cant get to sleep yet, kinda excited about saturday... its a surprise~! wahaha.. dunno where will dear be bringing me for dinner for our 4th yr anni... yes ...its already 4 years.. but we seems like still in the mid of honeymoon period.. i guess? haa still counting...
Aright, met up with

edna the cb......

chris the ahmad....

mervin the joker

tian yang the quiet boy who ate alot..(he ate er..chicken folder upsaize meal n more den 10 nuggets I guess) he is still so .....skinnnnnnnnny....

and lastly izon the sissy jiemei.....
I think it had been more den half a yr since i last la kopi with them.. lotsa nonesense and stories in army.. laughters and of course can see that we have really stepped into the world of $$$$...I mean another word, WORKING LIFE.. topic we talked about regarding the industry...$....blah blah blah ...things are really different now.. not forgetting the past.. oh ya they call mi black chinese when edna mention something about white indians.. ya i think for rest of my life... this topic wont be missing...halal halal halal..thanks ah frenz.. (i dun mind has been 20 over years that everyone is toking about me = malay) well well well.....
Been doing great @ work i felt... bossy gonna give me petty cash to take care of.. its like whenever i work... there is oways this petty cash thing surrounding me..basic admin n purchasing stuff.. Like I say, I dun mind doing all like but nv take granted of me like wad my ex boss did ....ARGH.... I can help as much as possible, but make sure u appreciate as in I dun nid anything in return but u muz aga aga la.. not too guo fen...
Feeling a little dizzy... think i going turn in soon ... bed sweet dear not with me.. sian.. but worry not, i have my cutie kiki to accompany me thru the night..
GOOD NIGHT ppl.....ZZZzzzZZzzz
ming tian hui gen hao... its sis taught me a word today... TGIF=thank god its friday haha wad a word...ZZzzzZZZ