Friday, November 13, 2009

New 'baby' new must have 'baby' in white..for the first time im using a whitey phone. :) love it..:D

Met a few of my long lost poly mates, time really flies, everybody is different now.. *i guess this should be the way*. but some of them er..i juz felt that different la.. not as "comfortable" as I used to be in the past.. Well..that doesnt matter, glad that everyone is moving on..:)Surprise that one of my flirty gf is planning to get married, good to hear that. Finally wanna settle down ah~ haa *congrates. Nice spending a nice dinner with them, at least I can stop thinking of work.
Lately been quite hectic, coz change of environment and also busying closing on going files. Hope that I can cope well soon. Slowly getting onto the momentum, thanks dear for the supprt given, and family of course..Quite stress now la, hope can close deals asap!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Finally I recall my username and password..kinda stupid...shall update soon, tired already gonna zzZZZzzzz... oh yah muz write it down somewhere, if not wake up forget again~!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hafen been updating my blog lately. Too much things had happen, work, personal...blah blah blah .. Juz ended the expo exhibition, feeling emotionally and physically breaking down.. boss mentioned going for courses to me again. Aiya juz hack care, frankly speaking i may juz leave is he goes on n on n on. Something he mentioned juz now i farking PISSED OFF with him.. though he not talking about me, but i dun like the way he bring across the message...wadever lah...
hai not feeling good... may alot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ fall on me one day..

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Back from Phuket

Hi back from phuket.. haha but still in holiday mood la... oh gosh.. super chao ta by the sun there.. have real loads of fun with dear over there..have our very own gaguzzi n mini pool... great hotel...the things there so cheap.. but not much to buy though..polo t sssss...soverniers.. haa.. gonna upload some photos :P and....GET BACK TO WORK... SAWADEEKUP....

Saturday, April 25, 2009


hee...e very first present i received for my birthday...thanks dear for the perfect cut 0.66 carat diamond ring..wahaahaa... I LOVE IT TO BITS!!!!!!!! Gonna have my bday dinner w my family when mum is back from beijing.. this yr bday kinda different didnt hear my fren organising bday dinner for me like wad we always did..haha..well, i wont wish for much though..thx mer,chris n izon for remembering my bday though..really can see the true colour sia..qho r the real pals n who r just putting a fake front=) Its nv the same anymore! But who to enjoy my dvd time....


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I use to love april...but somehow I felt something amiss...i dunno why..juz dun feel right...busy work schedule seems to occupy the whole me n somehow somewhat i'm missing things out... like......i dunno.....I dun feel the same... april seem like juz any other month...well.... maybe im juz having the typical emo days in me.. the emo period... felt real.....DOWN... i cried..for nothing.. i dunno why... sound stupid... but this is me..

BACK to work...

Saturday, April 4, 2009 busy too blog... my appointments are almost full everyday! even weekends! got site at clementi and bedok and parkway so so long nv shop ok! but you noe wad...i bought a top when i walk pass a shop at parkway, supposingly I shld b rushing to my site la.. but u noe.. i chop chop 1..Just grap and GO... this few weeks, i drive ill i feel so wan wan wan wan to slp... early morning gonna wake up run my sites meet sub con...nag nag nag ...den from east pia to west den west to office den to east to west to east...machiam huan dao zhui zhui zhui la..den meet owners.. see $$$$$$ sign...den plan plan plan..see floorplans... giddy...den do do quotation.... walao.. den finally see SIGNATURE! thats the best part la...sibeh bo eng ok! can u imagine...i was even working in my dreams.. oh ya not to mention I dreamt about receiving my HP bill that come up to EIGHT THOUSAND dollar.. how silly.. coz i ans phone till i scare...even in toilet ...cannot let me shit and pee in peace... call call to do..*_*
Oh I'm going away to phuket in may... gonna go relax sia... that strikes off one from my wish list ..haha...
Last 2week I dropped my OMNIA from the sofa den......the phone goes....BLANK the next day.. farking hell..brought it to 'hospital' kana warded for 3 days.. den!!!! when i go collect... cannot on.. so stupid.. den i FARK the ppl there lo.. wasted my trip down to collect a phone that is not fixed.. pissed la.. my time = $$ ok... den extended the stay at the 'hospital' coz they have to change the mama board.. i use for like 1 n half months??? WTH... don wanna say already ...anyway I've change my phone~~ haha love it.. dear bought me Nokia 1..den he took the blue 1..couple phone...haha....DUH~.... up!

Exhibition coming again... gonna see lin again.. haha rival company ah.. but we still go smoke together during exhibition...who cares~....see u soon ah ...lin 11th april..haha...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


YA..i know i hafen been blogging for quite some time...I got loads of picture but no time to upload...gotta lotsa quotation n proposal to deal with.. and ya busy with the exhibition at expo.. the modern living exhibition! so tired and energy drained out.. argh~ ren ren ren .. yea I'll be away for 2 day 1 night for a training course.. eee.. when Im back den i'll update again... gotta go busy busy busy ....grrrr...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

tot of the day

Can one really can get wad he/she really wanted?? Is it true that... when one get richer either in financially/emotionally/ physically they tend to lose things that are far more precious ? something that they use to treasure and take note of? something they are aware of...??no one can turn back time... no one is perfect...
duh....bad day.....

Monday, February 2, 2009

my new muz have gadget....yes...i change hp AGAIN... samsung OMNIA~ stil not use to it.. but seems alright.. it takes time....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Got a HP mini lappy...thanks dear.. only 900g, easier for me to bring around to meet my client and do quotations..haahaa... love it so much...small and handy...only 10" into my bag sia.. haha....muackx...

Oh ya...see the little puppy so cute lo.. 6 months only.. my manager's baobei... everyday see her in office run around hyper.. like to play with ai leh..

when we having our weekly sales meeting she sits down quietly on the table.. see she noe how to look into the camera de lohx.

So ke ai horx!!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Went for meeting this morning...its another.. i could say turning point of my career life?...gonna be tough for the start i guess...but with dear's n my family support...i'm all out for it ....gambateh n 3 cheers for myself..:D to be elaborated again....haa...
Surprisingly..I went back to my ex office...the short walk there brought back lotsa memories... not forgetting the food there!!! the up n downs that happened in that office.. the xi nu ai le....saw the 3 bosses and dunno y i bought chicken essence for them.. though feeling abit awkard lah.. but still feel a sense of er..... hmmm...i dunno how to put it....saw the changes over there...the people...the surroundings... anyway...yah....wadever...
Gonna go orr orr soon...nailpolish drying already...difficult to type much...:D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh yeAh~~~another one... LOVEEEEEEEeeee it.... coach crAZe..

happie birthday edna..

Finally free to post edna's birthday dinner photo.. haha .. kinda busy shopping this few days...driving mama around from place to place.. haha spend spend spend spend spend ....anyway Advance happy CNY to everybody~~~~~

So Serious...

bestiEs for yeARs....and stiLL countiNG..

the m1 m2 m3 m4 n birthday ger~

all of us....:P


y all look there....


cant wait to eat the cake?