Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Went for meeting this morning...its another.. i could say turning point of my career life?...gonna be tough for the start i guess...but with dear's n my family support...i'm all out for it ....gambateh n 3 cheers for myself..:D to be elaborated again....haa...
Surprisingly..I went back to my ex office...the short walk there brought back lotsa memories... not forgetting the food there!!! the up n downs that happened in that office.. the xi nu ai le....saw the 3 bosses and dunno y i bought chicken essence for them.. though feeling abit awkard lah.. but still feel a sense of er..... hmmm...i dunno how to put it....saw the changes over there...the people...the surroundings... anyway...yah....wadever...
Gonna go orr orr soon...nailpolish drying already...difficult to type much...:D