Tuesday, December 23, 2008

my wrist rest

SO CUTE...love..tempura leh..haahaa

dear's birthday

Oh ya..time to update some photos...on dear's birthday at HOOHA CAFE...the food there is GOOD :)~atmosphere oso...thanks to dixie's reccomandation..12 of us in total...dear and my besties...haa...thanks to june's camera~ forgot to bring mine..stupid la..lol
Enjoy the dinner ...i guess all of them does.. den went for bowling at west cost RC.. no ppl at that time sia.. machiam our world.. I dun usually bowl la.. coz of my pretty fingernails.. but dat day..special ma so entertain lohx... finger cramped after that.. lol...LOUSY hor.. dear still asked me if I wanna have a personal bowling BALL.. so finger wont pain.. for the time being I guess I wont siao on on bowling bah... see how lohz~ haaaa

Group picture....the colour all very matching hor..coincidence..haa

Group pic 2

Dunno when is it taken but I like.. haa

Another kana paparazzi take photo.. haa... didnt realise though..but i like it too... LOL

Thanks ah JUNE..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday bluess...but not as blue as any other monday.. kinda holiday mood now la.. gonna xmas..and soon new year.. another 1 yr older.. gonna wish everyone merry xmas n happy birthday to my beloved er jie...her bday falls on xmas ha.. so good ah.. many ppl gonna count down for her.:D Actually I'm not a very xmas person..as in celebration, I juz buy pressie to make ppl happy :D and.. yah...there is a xmas party on the eve with dear's frens.. (dun really like celebrating xmas-counting down to xmas) i always have an image in my mind when the clock strikes 12 ppl start wishing each other merry xmas.. (felt abit lame) haaahaaa wadever la ..
Meeting mummy after work to do some xmas shopping :P yea.. spent kinda lotsa $ this month.. pamper myself ma...haa.. gonna shop something nice for myself again later.. wahaha.. oh ya I bought some "rush" games online.. got 40% off plus USD now not very high.. i looooove those games leh.. collected alot already..more to come.. alot of nice games coming soon also ... *evil smile*
Feeling better today already just that nose still abit block.. but ok la.. dunno izzit took medicine w/o food that few days den now gastric not very good.. everyday pain.. sian.. hope I get better soon.. hate gastric.. so xin ku de neh..gonna go back to render the bloody 3d.. took so long can.. heng i got another lappy so i can blog n surf net.. wont hang.. wahah.. clever me la.. wad to do... lol!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Seems like everybody is falling sick.. me too... hai took 2 days MC den today went back office though still feeling dizzy...had to clear all the shit boss left for me.. its really PILES n PILES of darn shit.. all so last min.. NB...whole morning dun wanna inform me to do den afternoon 3pm expect me to finish 6 3ds for her.. darn! Pls lo.. my head been spinning for the whole day..bloody nose blocked and i CANT breathe...fark up! bobian on 2 computers to do those 3ds.....do till head gong gong...KNN... dunno la.. i feel her time management is super super super buey sai..NB.. I hate this loh..KNN!!!#$%^&*(
Den at night sms me say my dimensions all wrong...not proportional.... NB I follow her farking each and every dimensions okie.. fark it la... go to hell la! lim bu is now farking not happie....with the company....and YES I have tots of HOPping again.. juz look into the jobs websites...lotsa place hiring sales designer some with immediate vacancy..
Wadever it is.. jus fark it.. i hate it.. gonna rest...am bloody sick now.. bloody pressure rises as i blog.. KNN!#$%^&*(*&^%$#

Monday, December 8, 2008

long weekend

hafen been blogging since..... dunnow when...was busy with work lahx.. wads new..my conversion period from in house to sales designer. tough though.. went site from 11am to 4 pm.. go back still need to prepare detail drawings... sian don think i can survive so muz faster find a in house designer to take over me den i got no worries. And chris ord..now economic no good, hard to find job so was thinking to "drag" him in to my company for the time being. coz i think he quite ego la.. i dun think he will work here long.. i guess he aim those big companies de. but for a start to gain experience hope he make it thru the interview..haa.. bo bi bo bi~
Long weekend, finally no work to worry about... sat when shopping with er jie at VIVO. so many ppl loh , park till level 6 can.. den raining heavy and on ya fark the JAM and super duper rain. After dat sent er jie home den head back to dear's house.. :D bought a few things, but i hafen finished with my xmas shopping!!! gotta prepare dear's prezzie, er jie's bday/xmas prezzie, family's xmas prezzie... no time to shop leh!!!! oh ya i bought lotsa tibits for my doggies as xmas gifts...they so happie okie!. lol
ah dear bought his favourite PS3..and a 32" TV.. damn shiok ...the screen so so big ha.. gonna be end of the P.H. sian...tuesday blues...back to work...argh~ happy december everybody...