Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny story

Was told by my sister a true life story about her fren's fren. This fren A bought a dog from thailand with cert of been microchipped and wadever license the dog need to be brought back to spore. Back in spore, the dog was kept in AVA for observant for 2 weeks.. making sure its safe to be kept. Then... brought back home after that, fren A realise y sometimes her dog walk with 2 back legs...(like a human). Brought it to the VET, after testssss...
VET : " Do u noe wad U've brought back from thailand?"
Fren A : " Dog loh...." showing the cert that she've got
VET: "for ur info your dog IS A BABY BEAR"
Fren A : "...................."
Vet: Called up the zoo for adoption......
See...beware of wad u buy from other country eh.... but I was like.. luffing like hell.. juz imagine if the BEAR grows bigger n bigger.. oh man. If im the owner I think I will

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shopping Spree

Yeah..shopped alone at far east today while waiting for dear to get done with his stuff.. I can be damn fast in decision making when shopping alone coz no one for me to ask "eh nice anot" haha
in a hour or 2 i think i spent about hundred bucks.. I bought ha....n.. hmm... SHOE! Actually wan to get more pairs of shoes but the design.. none actually catch my attention.. so only bought a pair of the "witch shoe" thats wad my dear describe my pointed shoes as. ahaha.. happy... gonna turn in soon gotta go site to settle some tiling work tmr.. yeah.. I'm gonna drive down to the site hope I don't get lost in somewhere oolllooooo..wahaha...oh ya.. gonna check the street directory now coz the pajiao me... er... haha...gambateh~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Oh I was about to get food downstair @ this's wad happen

ME - walk happily around the condo's park.. looking for cafe to buy FOOD. but pajiao me cant find
- saw a security, so I approach him.....

ME: "excuse me, is there any cafe here?"
Security: "oh I'm going over let me bring u there"
ME: "ah good...thankssss (feeling abit anti-social)"
Security : "OH by the way...there is only a chinese food stall......"
ME: (frown...I expected his next sentence)
Security: "R u .....M....."
Me: "OH, no no noooo (i ren - feel like slapping him) I AM NOT MALAY" (replying politely)
Security : "Hee... there no malay stall...I tot u ...HAAAAAALAAL......" and he repeat "there only got ONE chinese stall"
Me: -smile- -.-"

ok.. I'm used to it..but joke for the time I'm going to ans ppl who ask if I'm a...MM saying oh yes ya ya ya I only eat pork...n only pork....PORRRRRK! :X

i haTE it

i jus hate the way I feel..............................................about it. . . .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Been staying home for a few weekends, dear busy @ work kept myself busy playing games. Wanted to do my 3d but stupid me forgot to bring the program to download.~ argh! He has been busy lately..but still kept me accompanied when he have e time(like while waiting for emails...calls..bla bla bla)..
Hafen been out for shopping or wadever.. kinda busy i guesss..I'm lazy though.. and I guess this is a good time to save $$$$!!!

Dad's health hafen been good lately..admitted to hospital...coz heart pain so I took half day to get lunch down to sgh for him with mum n del on thursday. well he's gonna be under observation still though he's back at home.. next month gonna go for another appt at sgh and we the siblings make sure that either 1 of us take leave to accompany him down for the cardiac appt. Bro @ beijing working but he's still as concern about dad's health ...:) Keep reminding me n er jie to buy yu ren sheng's bird nest n its those expensive 1s for both mummy n daddy..haha heng still can afford....and we gonna do so hopefully by next week :) Dad feel better after taking those medicine..well he is not as sick lah...still as hyper..we juz worry of the condition u see.. I had been controlling wad mama cooks for dinner n a BIG NO NO to tibits for him already ...hahaha..... though not much serious problem but still muz take really good care @ this age mahx..

For me, new office is driving me crazy...layout keep changing therefore details also... do till i also giddy lohx.. many many site coming up... many many more 3ds to do.. OH MAN... oh ya i juz hate my laptop..ARGH~

Feeling not really good....emotionally.....mentally.... I don noe why.... MOOD SWINGS I guess..sianzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, September 19, 2008

Well nothing to blog about.. i juz hate the weather recently.. wear nice nice den sweat sweat sweat... ma de.. stupid weather....ZZZ

Saturday, September 13, 2008

hOOk upSss

OMG~~~ okie.. I'm HOOKED to all these games I've bought..ya lahx...abit childish..but i like games like that ....destress mahx... i can sit up to 6hrs straight playing turbo pizza...i juz LOOOOOOVE them...gonna get more different version... den can become my collection next time give to my babies and my nieces to play....
my dear busy working..irregular hours mahx... sian so i keep myself busy playing these games while waiting for him to come home.. wahaha.. i like i like i like thesssse games... more more more....See......heh :Dmore to add on to my collection!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

where is my kopi! mood to work at all.. head super pain.. kopi out of stock in office.. felt so disappointed from morning till now.. coz no kopi to drink.. no morale to work.. no energy to think...argh... no kopi = no work.. so pissed off whole mind is kopi.. Im gonna go home drink a BIG cup of kopi.. 2 more hours to go.. days without kopi...time seems so slow.. tick tock tick tock ... GGGGggrrRRRrrR........ I NEED MY KOPI!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Feeling very bad today, just have to learn to talk and ask LESS... No body will answer me anyway...It takes 2 hands to clap.. I feel like as if I'm always clapping myself. Or shld I say slapping myself...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Night out @ Dbl O

Night out at Dbl O .... been so long.. haa.. woo hoo.. feeling great... jiu jiu yi chi.... everyone enjoy the night .. of course with the right ka kis.. though the music not as nice in the later part of the night.. we went crazy that night.. drink drink drink ...puke puke puke... so stupid right... haa...back to the dance floor feel still as good....yooo~ yoo~ yooo~....haha.... great night out!

Lambogini for the birthday boy.. nice ah..

the grp of die hard buddies...face semi red..oh 1 more missing.. haha

12 jugs of.... puking causing vodkaz... dot dot...TA~~~~~

Followed by tequillas.... buey si meh?
Though they mixed so many types of alcohol everybody were fine ...goody goody ah .. well train well train.. dear birthday coming .... i think .... die la.. haa gotta think so some program so they wont make us drink too much...I'm SO scare of puking ok... :P

Friday, September 5, 2008


OMG its FRIDAY...again~ loads n loads of stuff lining up in my schedule. Juz so so so so busy... gonna move office next month.. I felt I have been saying this too much in here.. ahaha still hafen move.. oh man.. I'm excited alright..
Gonna go relax tonight at ST JAMES, its dear's fren's birthday... its like.. been so so so long since I step in there..well sua ku le loh.. alright alright ...cooooool..

Juz reformatted my laptop at home.. now abit faster.. abit only lohz.. faint la.. but better den nth. lucky I found my softwares in my another laptop if not how to freelance. Haa.. now I feel dat 求人不如求己..Jus feel that if u don haf the ability or time to help..juz say loh..y make empty promises dat u will help when u wont at all... aiya....i noe work very busy but I'm juz asking a SMALL favour..its like.. don wanna elaborate it more .. say liao dulan.. like today ask den ppl promise me ok ok... now i think 3 days no reply at all... wad frens are for? i juz feel that NONE r as trustworthy. 最讨厌别人谝我了!Well...maybe is I'm too troublesome.. shld have prepare eveything before I want to start doing stuffs...last min 求人帮忙....没用的啦!我已学会靠自己.wadever la.. i don really give a damn.. juz disappointed.. sometimes, we got to learn to reject if its beyond our own ability u see... not everytime ok ok meaning u r a great person...任生吞气是没有用得.... make ourself miserable only loh...don wanna say much...

enjoy my weekends!