Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Got a HP mini lappy...thanks dear.. only 900g, easier for me to bring around to meet my client and do quotations..haahaa... love it so much...small and handy...only 10" into my bag sia.. haha....muackx...

Oh ya...see the little puppy so cute lo.. 6 months only.. my manager's baobei... everyday see her in office run around hyper.. like to play with ai leh..

when we having our weekly sales meeting she sits down quietly on the table.. see she noe how to look into the camera de lohx.

So ke ai horx!!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Went for meeting this morning...its another.. i could say turning point of my career life?...gonna be tough for the start i guess...but with dear's n my family support...i'm all out for it ....gambateh n 3 cheers for myself..:D to be elaborated again....haa...
Surprisingly..I went back to my ex office...the short walk there brought back lotsa memories... not forgetting the food there!!! the up n downs that happened in that office.. the xi nu ai le....saw the 3 bosses and dunno y i bought chicken essence for them.. though feeling abit awkard lah.. but still feel a sense of er..... hmmm...i dunno how to put it....saw the changes over there...the people...the surroundings... anyway...yah....wadever...
Gonna go orr orr soon...nailpolish drying already...difficult to type much...:D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh yeAh~~~another one... LOVEEEEEEEeeee it.... coach crAZe..

happie birthday edna..

Finally free to post edna's birthday dinner photo.. haha .. kinda busy shopping this few days...driving mama around from place to place.. haha spend spend spend spend spend ....anyway Advance happy CNY to everybody~~~~~

So Serious...

bestiEs for yeARs....and stiLL countiNG..

the m1 m2 m3 m4 n birthday ger~

all of us....:P


y all look there....


cant wait to eat the cake?